Today, two worlds are mixed in one; a practical and youthful product that targets younger generations thanks to the granddaughter Ingy.
This product is carried forward to another level to re-connect an old heritage of classic tapestries with fresh modern interior architectural elements.


Cairo 1960

Was an Egyptian, with Syrian Armenian origins Born in Cairo 1923 with a passion for art and drawing.
Jeanne used to buy un-embroidered artwork canvases (unfinished small-scale drawings done by an Armenian artisan, called Bukhara) from a specialized shop in downtown Cairo, Kasr El Nil street, called Au petit point. She then Used to knit them and keep the finalized works to herself.
In 1960s Jeanne started to realise small formats of embroidered artworks to friends and family upon the admired works, in spite of not being hers. Jeanne was talented for creating new designs and colour palette.
Admiring the French tapestries, she used to travel to get inspirations by the sceneries in the books and catalogues she used to buy in Paris at the Place de l’Opera.
Different requests led her to vary in designs, switching from the original Bukhara and Chinoiseries to classical paysages and feuillages. Thus, having her own library of collection. Jeanne’s success reached its peek between the age of 40 to 50.
After some years, her daughter Hoda was introduced to Jeanne’s atelier to proceed with her activity, reproducing her patterns and models following her own concept.
She renewed old patterns and started creating trendier and newer designs with bold colors using the same materials.
Today, two worlds are mixed in one; a practical and youthful product that targets younger generations thanks to the granddaughter Ingy.
This product is carried forward to another level to re-connect an old heritage of classic tapestries with fresh modern interior architectural elements.